REVIVAL Project – ASK development
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Case Details

Revitalization and Reuse of the lost heritage in the Adriatic landscape.

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Project Information

  • Project name: REVIVAL Project
  • Programme: Interreg CBC Italy-Croatia 2014-2020 Programme
  • Duration: 01.01.2019.-31.12.2021.
  • Total budget: € 1.825.035,00
  • Lead Partner: Municipality of Forli
  • Project partners: Municipality of Pesaro, Municipality of Rijeka, Municipality of Campobasso, Municipality of Cesenatico, Municipality of Zadar, Public Institution RERA S.D. for coordination and development of Split-Dalmatia County, University of Zadar, City of Rijeka

ASK development – sustainable development services

Contact Info

Office Address

Mirna Pot, 4 Jagodje, Izola, Slovenija