CENTRE Project – ASK development
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Case Details

Creating a European Network of Bio-Districts to achieve a True Territorial Renaissance.

Main aims of the project CENTRE:

  1. Create a “DISCIPLINARY” clearly defining a “EUROPEAN BIO-DISTRICT”, created through the ACTIVE and DEMOCRATIC participation of citizens, as a means to achieve a TRUE TERRITORIAL RENAISSANCE for a sustainable future of Europe
  2. Constitution of a EUROPEAN NETWORK OF BIO-DISTRICTS signed by all project’s Mayors
  3. Making European citizens active stakeholders in the local decision making processes (BOTTOM-UP approach), especially regarding “bio districts” as key choice for quality of life in their communities
  4. Test INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS to explore new forms of direct and active citizens’ involvement to foster a stronger sense of belonging by target groups to the issues of the project and to the EU, e.g.: active participation to public initiatives during very CROWDED events; direct attendance in concrete on field “LEARNING-BY-DOING” experiences.

Project Information

  • Project name: CENTRE Project
  • Programme: EUROPE FOR CITIZENS 2014-2020

ASK development – sustainable development services

Contact Info


Office Address

Mirna Pot, 4 Jagodje, Izola, Slovenija